Take the My Business is My Business Quiz

Happy? In control? Take the My Business is My Business Quiz
Work Life Balance mind map process concept
Do any of these 10 statements apply to you:
- My business is doing great, but I am worried about the future.
- My business needs to do a lot better, soon.
- Managing people is taking too much of my time.
- I don’t work with a business strategy to grow my business.
- I need some structures put in place to run my business more efficiently, but don’t have the time.
- I am not sure if I have the right people in the right places.
- I am losing good people and struggle to replace them.
- I have less and less time for myself and or my loved ones.
- I no longer feel as much in control of my business and my life as I used to.
- I don’t work with a plan on how to achieve succes in my life. I just get on with it.
If you found yourself answering YES to any of the above statements, feel free to give me a call and let’s talk solutions.
Frank Vos – Vos Consulting (Pty) Ltd
Contact No: 076 692 7675 Email: frank@vosconsulting.co.za
Business Growth Solutions – Organisation Solutions – People Solutions