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Beyond Burnout

It’s common knowledge that stress is a silent killer and
burn-out more than just a warning shot across the bow.
Yet, the inability of a leader to recognise, acknowledge and
manage stress remains very much a taboo, with catastrophic
consequence for his company, career and life.

The author introduces the reader to the ravaging, yet
often undetected causes and side effects of stress through
a brutally honest recount of how his career as CEO of a
subsidiary of a multinational abruptly ended after two
decades, leaving him shattered and without identity.

He shares his experiences of having been pulled back from
the brink of a complete melt-down by a close friend and
coach, who takes him on a journey of recovery and personal
growth. The book offers practical advice to those who are
consumed by stress and find it increasingly difficult to find
fulfilment in their jobs and happiness in their lives.

The authenticity of Beyond Burnout will reverberate with
many a leader today whose world has suddenly been
turned upside down by the arrival of Covid 19.

Beyong Burnout


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  • Beyond Burnout E-publication (Second Edition)


    Beyond Burnout.
    What to do when your Leadership comes under Fire. (Second Edition)

    By Frank Vos


    This new second edition contains updated material on the impact of Covid-19 on stress and leadership – one year down the line, as well as input received from many engaged readers of the first edition.

    The inability of a leader to recognise, acknowledge and manage stress remains very much a taboo. The author introduces the reader to the ravaging, yet often undetected causes and side effects of stress through a brutally honest recount of how his career as CEO unexpectedly ended after two decades. The book provides valuable insights and answers underpinned by Neuro Science, laying bare the relationship between Emotional Intelligence, Stress Management and Leadership ability. Filled with real life experience and practical advice, the book is a valuable tool to all those leaders out there that face today’s increasing pressures in a Covid-19 world where they need to remain a pillar of strength to their organisation, their loved ones and as important – themselves. 


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